Buddhists filed a complaint of the art of Face-up Buddha
WFBY and Buddhist Networks filed the complaint letter to the German Embassy on July 2nd, 2013. We protest the show of Face-up Buddha in Munich, Germany.
The 11th Yuwa Camp of Taiwan (Chinese course)
From July 15-17, 2016, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Taipei organized the 11th Yuwa Camp (Chinese course) for 3 days and 2 nights where 10 kids ages 4 to 14 years old participated in.
Freedom from Subtle Defilements
“Lotuses Have leaves that a drop of water cannot cling to Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana will have the minds That Subtle Defilement cannot stay in them
Daily activities and the mind should go together
In order to achieve the benefits of meditation, you must practise meditation on a daily basis. You cannot miss even for a day.
The Harm of Mental Defilements
The Lord Buddha stresses that the three categories of defilement: greed, hatred and delusion are like usurpers in the mind. They darken our minds and obstruct us from enlightenment.
โครงการ Academy of Life ณ ภูวนาลีรีสอร์ท
เป้าหมายสูงสุดของพระพุทธศาสนาคือการทำความบริสุทธิ์ทางการ วาจา ใจ ความบริสุทธิ์นั้น จะบังเกิดขึ้นได้ด้วยการทำใจให้หยุดนิ่ง
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 2,555 Monks at KMITL (2012)
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 2,555 Monks on Tuesday June 19th, 2012 at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
Dear Father, Please Don’t Let Me Become Addicted to Television
One of the concerns facing parents today is not having enough time to spend with their children because almost all of their available time is used to earn al living to support the family
The Ceremony of Chanting the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta
The Ceremony of Chanting the Lord Buddha’s Mantra “Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta” Since Dhammachai Day (the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni’s Ordination Anniversary) on Sunday September 22nd, 2013
Meditation Testimonials-Eric Levine-CEO
Just sit quietly being ever so light. Let everything go and it will turn so bright. Seeing yourself for the first time is a wondrous miracle in itself.